Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Bliss is the state of pure happiness in which you are oblivious to the world; oblivious, not ignorant. Moments of bliss come and go like spurts of spontaneous combustion filled with positive energy.  I'm talking about those connections we make, those 'ah-ha' moment that you feel compelled to share with others. You know, the little things in life that most overlook. Some call it irony, karma, or fate....but I call it spontaneous bliss.

Spontaneous Bliss is a powerful phenomenon. It ignites passion in people and calls them to think, discuss, and sometimes act.

The purpose of this blog is to express my thoughts, reactions, or concerns on a variety of topics. This blog is broken up into two main pages, Inspire Me & What Do I Know. Inspire Me page has posts of companies making thought provoking statements, inspiring authors or artists, or websites/apps worth looking at. This page covers a "hodge podge" of inspiration. What do I know consist of topics I have experience such as college life, LinkedIn,  looking for a job, traveling,  dealing with parents, and growing up. Some posts may seem to over lap because I may have found a company or movement and then personally followed up on the topic.

This blog is not a credible source to use for research. Instead, I hope you use this blog as a food for thought. If you have any comments or ideas for future posts contact me!


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